Growth Marketing

10 Effective Lead Generation Strategies To Jumpstart Your Business

Lead generation is common terminology used in digital marketing. This term simply refers to stimulating or capturing the interest in a certain service or product to prepare and guide the targets in their purchasing journey. Lead generation strategy encourages interested prospects in hopes of converting them into leads or potential prospects.

B2B and B2C lead generation

B2B means business to business while B2C means business to consumers and both of these lead generation strategies have four components. The first one is lead capture. This is simply gathering information from a lead. The information may range from the name of the business, position, number of employees, and the industry they are in or serving. Next are lead magnets. These are strategies or incentives that encourage prospects and convert them into new leads. The third is lead qualification. It’s a process where a lead’s provided information is being determined of how likely they are to purchase the product or service. Lastly, lead segmentation. This is the process where leads are now segregated into segments based on their information like buying habits, and activities that they’ve engaged in. 

To help you out with generating leads, here are ten business strategies to increase your sales and help jumpstart your business: 

1) Capitalize on ChatBot conversations

There’s a great chance that you may not be able to attend to your website 24/7 and it will be best to get some help to not miss out on inquiries from potential prospects. Chatbots can be a great help in generating leads. You need to set up a chatbot that matches your brand and overall personality to leverage them as automated extensions of your business. 

Chatbots can answer frequently asked questions before potential leads move to book a consultation or appointment. They are great assets in ushering leads at the beginning of their purchasing journey. 

2) Gated content

Gated content is a material that becomes available once the lead completes a form. This gives them a value-adding experience since the content is locked and only accessible once the form is filled out. This is a good filter and generates quality leads because those who finish the form are highly interested in the brand or offers. Some gated contents are guides, reports, white papers, online tools, and many more. 

This is a highly effective strategy because the lead feels that they are rewarded and got something out of accomplishing a task related to their interest. Leads that come from this strategy are also the best candidates to engage and pursue further. 

3) Value-packed newsletter

You can also use newsletters as lead magnets that will encourage prospects to connect and stay in touch with your business. This is a good recall for them to not forget you or your offers. You may inform them of your latest products or any promotions that you may have. 

Newsletters may also include the latest news in the industry to be relevant and be a must-read for your leads. Aside from news, you can also mention upcoming events, webinars, or conferences that your business will be involved in and how they might benefit from attending as well. 

4) Offer coupons or discounts

Yes, everyone likes discounts and free coupons. No one says no to these because they are value-adding. You can also easily convert these leads by offering them discounts to avail of your products or services at cheaper prices. 

It will attract those prospects that have been patronizing your content and are looking for an opportunity to purchase. Those ready to purchase leads can easily be converted into clients once they use the coupons or discounts offered. 

5) Provide a free trial or freemium products

As mentioned above, everyone loves free stuff. Offering free trials of your service or products can easily attract qualified and interested prospects because you have groomed them to buy. You can later convert them by promoting the perks of having upgraded or premium accounts. 

Leads will also get to feel of your products or services. You can encourage them to leave reviews once they’ve upgraded or turned to pay users of your products. This creates a ripple effect on other prospects that are looking for an edge before deciding on a purchase. 

6) Optimize your website

You always need to update your website and make them user-friendly for users to easily navigate your lead magnet. It will be best to design on-site funnels to drive them to the lead magnet that highly resonates with them. This means that you should promote lead magnets around your website. 

Always highlight a primary call to action homepage. There are numerous ways to insert lead magnets around your website. You can have a lead magnet in the sidebar, pop-up, in the hello bars of gated content, and many more.

7) Optimize your social profiles

Aside from updating your website, it’s also wise to update your social media platforms too. A lot of users are using social media to connect and network with and you can use this to your advantage. 

Make sure that your Facebook has an updated profile picture and banner. It will be best to post evergreen content for them to click your post and lead them straight to your offers. You need to have a strong call to action and captions to get noticed. 

The same goes for your LinkedIn profile. Update the skills and encourage colleagues to write endorsements as much as possible. This will increase the credibility of your profile and will get you noticed by the right prospects. It will also add value to your profile and will make prospects engage with you because you are backed by professionals in the same industry. 

8) Top-of-funnel keywords

To encourage and let more prospects to your website, you should use words that they use to search for in the search engine. You need to maximize the use of keyword tools that will help determine the group of words that prospects usually use.

Generate content that is optimized for the target keywords. You can also set up pay-per-click campaigns to track the progress of these keywords on your website. There are do’s and don’ts that you should be aware of for SEO in boosting your website for better page rankings. 

9) Retarget people who have previously engaged with you

Some prospects become cold or unresponsive after quite some time and it will be ideal to retarget them. They might just need more exposure to your brand and offers before they are completely converted.

This is a good strategy to assist your leads down the purchase funnel who may have just forgotten about your business or service. 

10) Referral rewards program

Reward your leads when they refer or when they provide new leads to you. This is a highly effective strategy because when a friend or colleague refers to a certain product or service it gives your business credibility. Ensure that you will give your leads a holistic and great experience for them to give you a good recommendation. 

Having professionals for your marketing needs will help you rest easy and expect quality results for lead generation strategies. Consulting professionals are also the right way to do it to save money because growing your business will surely equate to investing or adding more capital. If you are going to capitalize on people, make sure to put your money on those who have proven experience and have the complete package for your marketing needs.

Skief Labs offers a variety of data-driven marketing services that can help you grow your business. They can customize your marketing plan by analyzing your business’ sales objectives and current conversion rates.

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